Thursday, April 7, 2016

Judith Crespo Final Class Project

The basis for my project is to place emphasis on women and the biased cultures that still affect women in today's patriarchal society. I would like to publish a website "Dear Frida" where young women can share their experiences and also advise others. Women would be able to submit their letters including accounts of their hardships to the editor. The letters would be featured  on the website on a rolling basis, visible to the rest of the community, yet remaining completely anonymous. Overtime the goal would be to increase the community numbers as more and more letters to Frida are submitted, encouraging members to respond to each other as they would do to others. The journey of sharing experiences may allow young woman to examine their self-identity by also seeking advice from "Dear Frida".  In doing so, I would hope to help young women who need to talk to someone with similar life experiences. Though, Frida lived a chaotic life and endured many illnesses, her body image was not crippled. Frida Kahlo maintained a positive outlook and exercised her rights as a woman and an artist.




  1. This is a great idea but consider taking your idea a bit further; maybe actually publishing it in the Rutgers newspaper or creating an anonymous blog for women to share their experiences on.

  2. I think a "Dear Frida" is an excellent idea. There are so meany young women because of culture, their true potentials are stifled. If someone who can identify with them is able to share the journey and show them that they can overcome it will be a great inspiration.

  3. Check out this PDF on Patriarchy and Women’s Subordination: A Theoretical Analysis
