Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Final Project -Kassandra Perez

For my final project I wanted to focus on something that I find important, that relates to not only myself but other women as well. I didn't want to focus primarily on the art aspect of women's rights etc. because being an art history student so much of my life already revolves around art and writing about art, working with artists, curating shows etc. I didn't want to subject myself to just one thing that I'm good at, because I know that my strengths don't lie just in my knowledge of art history. Not to mention that I am one of those women who believes that women can do what ever they want, so I thought to go with that concept with my final project.
So, with that being said I decided to create a blog for my project. While the blog is only step one in my overall goals with this, it is a start and has gotten positive feed back from most of the people I have shared it with. I chose to create a blog via tumblr with the Title name : The room where it happens which was inspired both by Meryl Streep who re worded the lyrics to the genius Lin Manuel Miranda's words to his original song from his musical Hamilton. The room where it happens references this idea that Miranda talks about in his song, where members of congress are sitting in "the room where it happens" the room where the USA is founded on, big things are happening here. So I wanted to take this idea, and create a space where I can discuss topics about women, for women and those that love women.
The blog primarily holds short stories about my life that reference big issues we all face. I like the concept of a memoir because people can relate to that better. For instance, when reading parts of Tina Feys "Bossy Pants" or all of Chelsea  Handlers books, there were so many stories they told that I laughed to myself about and said "wow. that has happened to me too" and I want to be able to give that to women. I too have suffered with body image issues, I do have dealt with people telling me I can't do something because I am a women and so on and so fourth. I want to create a space where people can read stories about my life, relate to them and share their experiences. I also want to create a space where I can talk about women and how amazing we are, which brings me to my posts on praising other women. Growing up we are taught to hate ourselves and hate other women, and I want to change that. I want to show women and people in general that we must love ourselves with all our "imperfections" and love others. Because while you may be amazing at one thing, someone else will be better at something else, and rather than tearing someone down because you are say envious of their strengths, lets lift others up. Its this idea of paying it forward, because if women work together rather than against each other, we can make anything happen.
My future plans for this project are for the hashtags that I create at the end of each post to catch on, and start a dialogue with others. I want people to feel the need to contribute to the blog itself which is why I have the option to let others contribute. I don't want this idea of creating a space for women and their admirers to end here, I want it to expand into something greater. Eventually I plan on creating a campaign where I and others hand out business cards to people we think are amazing that are either doing something great for women, or is an amazing woman herself. On this card I will have strict rules as to what the receiver should do with it and what the giver should do with it. The giver should either go to the blog and write about the person they chose or attempt at taking a picture of them either with their permission or a candid shot and placing it on instagram with the hashtag #empowermeempoweryou, and the receiver should do the same only write on why they think they received this. Women and those that cherish and praise us are scrutinized for not being good enough or equal and I want to change that. This is the over all goal of my project, to make the world a little bit better every day for women, feminists and those that admire us or call themselves feminists.

works cited
Tina Feys' "Bossy Pants"
Lena Dunhams "Lenny Letter"
Sarah Peisch personal Instagram photos  "its.queen.ciroc"
Tweet by @madblackthot
Interview with Nina Servin - clinic escort

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