Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Project Proposal: The Male Gaze in Media and Paintings

My Semester Project will focus on the male gaze and media.  I plan on doing an essay describing how the male gaze continues to be present in our society. I will illustrate how women have and continue to be objectified in advertisements and in paintings. I will analyze the paintings of Mary Cassette and Elisabetta Sirani.
The reason why I am making this project is because I want to analyze more in depth the concept of the male gaze. Many times we look at things in the media and we don’t realized that ads, pictures, videos can portray something different from what its really showing. In addition to the essay, I want to create a Glogster. This website allows to create a multimedia posters. By sharing the link of the poster via Twitter or Facebook people can access it and know more about how the male gaze is portrayed in the media. The message that I want to get across in this project is for people to question what they see on TV and to demonstrate how powerful and prevalent the male gaze is in our society. On a more personal note, I do not know how this fit in my professional aspirations or portfolio, but it can certainly serve as an starting point to create something different and new.


  1. That's a great topic To focus on. I like the idea of putting it on a Glogster, I've never heard of which is good because everyone likes to use the usual Instagram or Twitter accounts. Putting your idea out on something other than Instagram or Twitter will help other people who use these sites notice the idea and can help reach out to a different group.

  2. I think furthering the discussion of the male gaze is a great idea. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/for-these-women-photographers-reality-is-best-served-with-a-little-artifice_us_56b268f3e4b04f9b57d840eb
    This is an article about a photography project that addresses the male gaze that I think would help you out with your project.

  3. I think furthering the discussion of the male gaze is a great idea. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/for-these-women-photographers-reality-is-best-served-with-a-little-artifice_us_56b268f3e4b04f9b57d840eb
    This is an article about a photography project that addresses the male gaze that I think would help you out with your project.

  4. I think is a great topic, and it correlates with what Juleidy is working on, as well - as I mentioned in her post, I think you two would find the documentary "Killing Us Softly" quite helpful because it focuses on how women and their bodies are portrayed in the media; constructed and deconstructed to appeal to the male gaze. Here's a link to the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKXit_3rpQ
