Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Semester Project

Focus: Women's body image

For the semester's art project, I am planning on teaming up with my sister and focusing on women's body image before and after pregnancy. Women go through many different phases and all women go through it differently. Some gain more weight than others, some get smaller, and some remain the same. I would like to focus on these three different types of women. Also, some women receive stretch marks that can make them self-conscious.

I will research many women who go through this phase of life. I will also survey men and women throughout campus about this issue. I will have an information sheet next to the painting that my sister and I will be working on. My little sister is an artist and she will help me paint a large canvas of different types of women.

I am doing this project because I am a young mother whose body has gone through the motions. I want to bring awareness to this issue that I have personally dealt with after giving birth in 2014. I fell into post-partum depression but overcame that obstacle. The message of this art project is to raise awareness of situations women go through, and for women to find acceptance of their selves. Everyone is uniquely beautiful.

-Juleidy Aquino


  1. Great idea, very different, and inspiring! I like the idea of having the different paintings of the women. Displaying this somewhere will definitely catch the attention of other women & young mothers who might have gone through the same thing. Having pamphlets about the topic could also be a helpful idea so people can take them home with them & read through the information you give them on their own time as well.

  2. Glad you're doing better! The idea is unique and this link below is an article by ABC about a photographer that did something similar.

  3. This is a great idea. Since you'll be looking at women's bodies, you might find this documentary Killing Us Softly helpful, which is aimed to shed light on how advertisement constructs and deconstructs women's "ideal" bodies. Here's a link to the trailer, and hopefully you can watch the whole thing and find it useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKXit_3rpQ

  4. Good idea. The perception of women's body is a subject you can analyze by researching Frida Kahlo. I am researching her for my project and I think that her body was her art, regardless of the tragic accident and illness she lived through she maintained her self esteem and confidence. I'm glad you are doing better.
