Monday, April 18, 2016

Semester Project

For my semester project I made a zine called "Women, Art, & Reproductive Rights!" which i made with the intentions to be an educational zine that can be used to enlighten people who don't know about the history of abortions and the battle to legalize it. However, with the 2016 elections and candidates such as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz it is evident that we can be set back to the 1960's in an instant. My zine sheds light on the importance of legal and safe abortions or we will lose thousands of women to unsafe and unsanitary abortions. We are all entitled to our own bodies and we all have the right to choose! I chose two women artists Michele Pred and Pamela Jo-Ann Willis because they made powerful pieces that hold so much meaning and also uphold a tough and stern message that women are powerful and that we are capable of anything. They shut down pro-lifers with ground breaking work and galleries.

I also uploaded my zine onto my own personal tumblr rather than making a separate tumblr dedicated to reproductive rights. However it proved to be successful.

Because i made my zine educational and informational i used many sources to make sure my facts were accurate. My references are:

My Tumblr Post:

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