My project is a blog that places emphasis on the the biased
cultures that still affect women today. "Dear Frida" would be a place of solace, where young women can share
their experiences and advise others. Women would be able to submit
their letters including accounts of their hardships to the editor. The
letters would be featured on the website on a rolling basis, visible to
the rest of the community, yet remaining completely anonymous. Overtime
the goal would be to increase the community numbers as more and more
letters to Frida are submitted, encouraging members to respond to each
other as they would do to others. The journey of sharing experiences may
allow young woman to examine their self-identity by also seeking advice
from "Dear Frida". In doing so, I would hope to help young women who
need to talk to someone with similar life experiences. Though, Frida
lived a chaotic life and endured many illnesses, her body image was never
crippled. Frida Kahlo maintained a positive outlook and exercised her
rights as a woman and an artist. Her inner strength is depicted in her art and inspire women to remain true to themselves.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Semester Project
For my semester project I created a zine about undocumented immigrant women. I have organized images and written comments to highlight some of the issues undocumented immigrant women face. The contents are used to show the comparison of what the United States is meant to represent versus the unpleasant reality that some immigrants experience because they are undocumented. This zine is my protest against anti-immigration. I chose to address this topic because I am an immigrant and alot of media has been focused on immigration, mainly because of the current political debates. In my opinion a number of situations that have been highlighted about undocumented immigrants are not positive. However; I have witnessed the struggles of some undocumented immigrant women, and I can attest that they did not come to America to reek havoc on the country. They wanted to better their lives and make a positive contribution to society. Unfortunately they face difficulties attempting to legalize their status because of strict policies set in place. With all the progress that the United States has attained with the passing of bills to acknowledge human rights then why aren't undocumented immigrant women allowed to more freely transition themselves to be welcomed residents in the United States America.
I posted my zine on Tumblr
I posted my zine on Tumblr
Monday, April 25, 2016
Semester Project
Zeinab Eltigani
She is a designer and painter, graduated in painting from the
college of Fine & Applied Art, Sudan university of Science and Technology
in 1996. She is a talented artist and known for her devotion and love for her
work and students. She is a member of the SWAA (Sudanese Women Artist Association)
and the Ring group- a group of plastic artist. Zeinab worked as a lecturer in a number of countries around the middle east and had several exhibitions
inside and outside Sudan. Below is a sample of her work.
Works Cited:
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Final Project -Kassandra Perez
For my final project I wanted to focus on something that I find important, that relates to not only myself but other women as well. I didn't want to focus primarily on the art aspect of women's rights etc. because being an art history student so much of my life already revolves around art and writing about art, working with artists, curating shows etc. I didn't want to subject myself to just one thing that I'm good at, because I know that my strengths don't lie just in my knowledge of art history. Not to mention that I am one of those women who believes that women can do what ever they want, so I thought to go with that concept with my final project.
So, with that being said I decided to create a blog for my project. While the blog is only step one in my overall goals with this, it is a start and has gotten positive feed back from most of the people I have shared it with. I chose to create a blog via tumblr with the Title name : The room where it happens which was inspired both by Meryl Streep who re worded the lyrics to the genius Lin Manuel Miranda's words to his original song from his musical Hamilton. The room where it happens references this idea that Miranda talks about in his song, where members of congress are sitting in "the room where it happens" the room where the USA is founded on, big things are happening here. So I wanted to take this idea, and create a space where I can discuss topics about women, for women and those that love women.
The blog primarily holds short stories about my life that reference big issues we all face. I like the concept of a memoir because people can relate to that better. For instance, when reading parts of Tina Feys "Bossy Pants" or all of Chelsea Handlers books, there were so many stories they told that I laughed to myself about and said "wow. that has happened to me too" and I want to be able to give that to women. I too have suffered with body image issues, I do have dealt with people telling me I can't do something because I am a women and so on and so fourth. I want to create a space where people can read stories about my life, relate to them and share their experiences. I also want to create a space where I can talk about women and how amazing we are, which brings me to my posts on praising other women. Growing up we are taught to hate ourselves and hate other women, and I want to change that. I want to show women and people in general that we must love ourselves with all our "imperfections" and love others. Because while you may be amazing at one thing, someone else will be better at something else, and rather than tearing someone down because you are say envious of their strengths, lets lift others up. Its this idea of paying it forward, because if women work together rather than against each other, we can make anything happen.
My future plans for this project are for the hashtags that I create at the end of each post to catch on, and start a dialogue with others. I want people to feel the need to contribute to the blog itself which is why I have the option to let others contribute. I don't want this idea of creating a space for women and their admirers to end here, I want it to expand into something greater. Eventually I plan on creating a campaign where I and others hand out business cards to people we think are amazing that are either doing something great for women, or is an amazing woman herself. On this card I will have strict rules as to what the receiver should do with it and what the giver should do with it. The giver should either go to the blog and write about the person they chose or attempt at taking a picture of them either with their permission or a candid shot and placing it on instagram with the hashtag #empowermeempoweryou, and the receiver should do the same only write on why they think they received this. Women and those that cherish and praise us are scrutinized for not being good enough or equal and I want to change that. This is the over all goal of my project, to make the world a little bit better every day for women, feminists and those that admire us or call themselves feminists.
works cited
Tina Feys' "Bossy Pants"
Lena Dunhams "Lenny Letter"
Sarah Peisch personal Instagram photos "its.queen.ciroc"
Tweet by @madblackthot
Interview with Nina Servin - clinic escort
So, with that being said I decided to create a blog for my project. While the blog is only step one in my overall goals with this, it is a start and has gotten positive feed back from most of the people I have shared it with. I chose to create a blog via tumblr with the Title name : The room where it happens which was inspired both by Meryl Streep who re worded the lyrics to the genius Lin Manuel Miranda's words to his original song from his musical Hamilton. The room where it happens references this idea that Miranda talks about in his song, where members of congress are sitting in "the room where it happens" the room where the USA is founded on, big things are happening here. So I wanted to take this idea, and create a space where I can discuss topics about women, for women and those that love women.
The blog primarily holds short stories about my life that reference big issues we all face. I like the concept of a memoir because people can relate to that better. For instance, when reading parts of Tina Feys "Bossy Pants" or all of Chelsea Handlers books, there were so many stories they told that I laughed to myself about and said "wow. that has happened to me too" and I want to be able to give that to women. I too have suffered with body image issues, I do have dealt with people telling me I can't do something because I am a women and so on and so fourth. I want to create a space where people can read stories about my life, relate to them and share their experiences. I also want to create a space where I can talk about women and how amazing we are, which brings me to my posts on praising other women. Growing up we are taught to hate ourselves and hate other women, and I want to change that. I want to show women and people in general that we must love ourselves with all our "imperfections" and love others. Because while you may be amazing at one thing, someone else will be better at something else, and rather than tearing someone down because you are say envious of their strengths, lets lift others up. Its this idea of paying it forward, because if women work together rather than against each other, we can make anything happen.
My future plans for this project are for the hashtags that I create at the end of each post to catch on, and start a dialogue with others. I want people to feel the need to contribute to the blog itself which is why I have the option to let others contribute. I don't want this idea of creating a space for women and their admirers to end here, I want it to expand into something greater. Eventually I plan on creating a campaign where I and others hand out business cards to people we think are amazing that are either doing something great for women, or is an amazing woman herself. On this card I will have strict rules as to what the receiver should do with it and what the giver should do with it. The giver should either go to the blog and write about the person they chose or attempt at taking a picture of them either with their permission or a candid shot and placing it on instagram with the hashtag #empowermeempoweryou, and the receiver should do the same only write on why they think they received this. Women and those that cherish and praise us are scrutinized for not being good enough or equal and I want to change that. This is the over all goal of my project, to make the world a little bit better every day for women, feminists and those that admire us or call themselves feminists.
works cited
Tina Feys' "Bossy Pants"
Lena Dunhams "Lenny Letter"
Sarah Peisch personal Instagram photos "its.queen.ciroc"
Tweet by @madblackthot
Interview with Nina Servin - clinic escort
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Final Semester Project
My self-portrait Vs my selfie
Self-Portrait Vs Selfie
As we all
know a selfie is very popular nowadays. The current rage for selfies among
shooters of all ages and backgrounds comes as no surprise. Selfies are smartphones
produced version of self-portrait. Selfies are casual, a mode of daily
conversation and connection. Selfies are not necessarily something to keep but
rather to simply share a moment.
But way
before selfies existed there was what they call self-portraits. Unlike
selfies, self-portraits are a representation of an artist that is drawn,
painted, photographed, or sculpted by an artist. Self-portraits are therefore a
self-engaged pursuit for recognition of self. Most artists want to convey
something about who they are.
Painting the artist is engaged in every details. Although I am not an artist,
but I can relate to some artists that painted themselves, because I went through
the experience, I painted my self-portrait. My goal with self-portrait was to
create art. I looked up several female artists like Frida Khalo, and Artemisia Gentileshi who have painted
themselves, whose personal feelings, and emotions are deeply embedded in their
self-portraits. Their self-portraits have gotten recognized greatly in an era
when women painters were not easily accepted by the artistic community or
Semester Project
For my semester project I have created an educational blog with an international audience. It is comprise of articles, interviews, questions and posts focused on feminism, modernism, hegemony, and women’s right for authorship. I am inspired by the great Barbara Kruger, I find her graphic designs fascinating. This fits my professional aspirations and portfolio because I want to be a high school teacher and what better way than to educating the public about the knowledge I’ve acquired from my Art and Women study in an engaging platform. I want women to be able to tell their story and be recognized for their outstanding work. How have women been represented, underrepresented, and misrepresented in art history? How should we tell the stories of forgotten women artists today? How can we as a society shake the old order? These are all questions I have pose on my Blog. I am here to speak up for all those who cannot speak for themselves. This blog will be a sanctuary for men and women all around the world to unite together and inspire each other to challenge their ideologies and societies. The propaganda created by our sick male dominant society embedded in us the notion that “We Can’t Win!” But this blog challenges that notion and brings forth a new idea, one of resilience and declaration. It is a kind of protest blog for equality, recognition, and awareness.
Work Cited
"Barbara Kruger - Feminist Artist - The Art History
Archive." Barbara Kruger - Feminist Artist - The Art History Archive. Web.
02 Apr. 2016.
"Feminism." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. Web. 02
Apr. 2016.
"How the Feminist Movement Changed the Art World." Education. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
"In the 21st Century, Art Is a Woman's Job Too."
Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 2006. Web. 02 Apr. 2016.
Lyon, Trey. "Call It What It Is: White Hegemony."
The Huffington Post. Web. 02 Apr. 2016.
"Where Are All the Women?" Web. 26 Apr.
"Womanhouse: 1972 CalArts Feminist Art Collaboration." Education. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Semester Project
My semester project was centered around educating kids on art history. Growing up I don't remember being exposed to much art history and coming into this class I only recall knowing male artists. So I made it my semester project to educate kids on female artists as well as a few male artist too. I made lesson plans for each artist and the ones I included in my project are Georgia O'Keeffe, Mary Cassatt, Frida Kahlo, Henri Rousseau,and Henri Matisse. In each lesson plan there is background information on each artist but since this is made for children I've included a project alongside each artist in order to make it more fun and hands on. With each project we discusses the technique that the artist used and try to incorporate them to make something of our own. Below is the link for my lesson plan.
At this link I have shared my lesson plan on a site where teachers can share their lesson plan.
"Gegorgia O'Keeffe and Her Paintings." Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Biography, and Quotes. N.p., 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"Mary Cassatt - The Complete Works." Mary Cassatt - The Complete Works. Creative Commons License, 2002-2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"Frida Kahlo Biography." Frida Kahlo Biography. Creative Commons License, 2002-2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"Henri Julien Rousseau - The Complete Works." Henri Julien Rousseau - The Complete Works. Creative Commons License, 2002-2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"The Personal Life of Henri Matisse." Biography of Henri Matisse. N.p., 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
At this link I have shared my lesson plan on a site where teachers can share their lesson plan.
"Gegorgia O'Keeffe and Her Paintings." Georgia O'Keeffe Paintings, Biography, and Quotes. N.p., 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"Mary Cassatt - The Complete Works." Mary Cassatt - The Complete Works. Creative Commons License, 2002-2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"Frida Kahlo Biography." Frida Kahlo Biography. Creative Commons License, 2002-2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"Henri Julien Rousseau - The Complete Works." Henri Julien Rousseau - The Complete Works. Creative Commons License, 2002-2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
"The Personal Life of Henri Matisse." Biography of Henri Matisse. N.p., 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
Final Semester Project
Oversexualization of Women in
Contemporary America
In contemporary American society, the amount of sexualization of
women in pop music has been expanding greatly. The portrayal of female
pop artists continuously trying to show off their bodies as they make a music
video had become very prevalent that the general public considers it a typical
part of pop culture. Consequently, the existence of this tendency has
constantly been generating controversy. The constant debate on this topic comes from the male gaze viewpoint; which is a concept on how a man views a woman in terms of her own appearance. The woman's own appearance enables herself to be empowered towards the people around her. In Ways of Seeing, Berger says, "A naked body has to be seen as an object in order to be nude," arguing that the woman "stimulates the use of it as an object," (54). Various individuals, including critics,
parents, and professors, lambasted the fact that musicians keep relying on the
sex appeal of their body figure, in regards to having an effect on people's
view and behavior towards women, influencing current fads to the youth, and
defacing the image of both sexes through the view of the male gaze notion.
Because of the prevalence of oversexualization in the music
industry, there had been a significant impact on people's behavior. In the
documentary "Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video"
by Sut Jhally, the music video industry had expanded throughout American
culture since the song "Video Killed the Radio Star." Female
sexuality is important for commercial advertising in order to gain the viewer's
attention. Music videos throughout the 2000s that displays both male and female
sexuality has been considered normal, which gives the viewers the idea of what it means be men and women in their culture; that is, to understand their own identity.
Jhally states that masculinity is "tied to power, intimidation, and
force" in a music video. From that notion, he exemplifies his point from the 2000 Puerto Rican Pride Parade in New York City when the men doused,
sexually assaulted, and stripped women, "having an entitlement to enact
their desires on the female body." The occurrences of the images in the
scene's footage were, in fact, very familiar to a music video that did the same
actions. Thus, the music videos depicting women as sex objects would cause
people to adopt the thought that they view women as the ones in the music
videos as well as imitate what happens in those music videos.
For decades in American life, people tend to imitate the sexual
performances that they are exposed to in pop music; this impacts both children
and adults. The large amount of sexualization that keeps appearing in popular
culture had stimulated adolescents to create types of suggestive trends in
order to affirm what they believe is to become a mature young adult. For
example, the act of "twerking," which is a dance that involves
bouncing the hips as the dancer squats in a seductive manner, has been a fad
that people had mimicked since the mid-2000s. The type of dance had become more
popular when two girls that are known as "The Twerk Team"
posted their videos on Youtube. In the 2012 article, "Could 'Twerking'
Possibly Be a New Way to Stay Fit?," Starrene Rhett-Rocque, an
entertainment journalist, assesses that twerking, although visually sexual,
would enable women to "have a healthier body image." This suggests
that twerking is a way for women to express themselves, advocating a way to
stay fit, have fun, and show their sexual attraction. Twerking had influenced
pop celebrities in their performance as well as their lyrics; one of the lyrics
in Beyonce's song "Check on It" includes verses such as "Dip it,
pop it, twerk it, stop it, check on me tonight," and "But no
touchin', just watchin' you twerk it, I'm checkin' up on you tonight!"
Other songs have the term "twerking" or suggests the dance in their
title such as "Twerk It" by Bustos Rhymes and "Shakin' It 4
Daddy" by Robin Thicke. As more pop artists make more works that involves
the sexually provocative dance, the younger generation will most likely try to
mimic it to feel stimulated in their mental development as a grown-up. The
parents who are aware of the oversexualization of pop music have tried to
prevent their children from seeing the overt sexual performances and have tried
to voice their criticisms on the state of the industry. For instance, Myleene
Klass, a musician, model, and fashion designer, said she will not let her two
young daughters watch any pop videos "because there is so much in them
they shouldn't see yet," and she said that "[she] would rather
explain things to them in their own time than have them watch someone on TV
with their crutch out, legs akimbo." Thus, she admits that her daughters
are not yet ready to learn about sexuality, although she participated in
appearing in a white bikini on television.
The oversexualization of the music industry damages the
representation of both the man and the woman. In the article "Why the
Backlash Against the DC Twerk Victim Reflects an Over Sexualized Society"
by Erica Nichole there were two women that randomly twerked on a man at a gas
station. Footage shows that the man was backing away, but the second woman
aggressively approached and inappropriately touched him. The man called the
police, but when they arrived, they did not take the man's story seriously. The
reaction of the police suggests that the man was expected to grope the women; they would assume that he is gay if he did not attempt to grope the women. Nichole stated, "While the
statistics of sexual harassment against women are frightening and overshadow that
of men, it doesn't mean that it's not real for males in the workplace or on the
street." The response of the police in the scene, thus, expresses the idea that the music videos attempts to affirm the expected behaviors
of both genders.
In conclusion, the impact of music videos using sexuality
fabricates the image of both genders and the standards in American society
today. The view of the male gaze had caused the presumption of the representation of both a man and a woman. The notion that "Sex Sells" is common when one attempts to
find out why the music industry is oversexualized because the notion is
effective to both the consumer and the seller. This practice has appeared
throughout history, as the nude body is seen as natural as well as a way to
express one's own sexual identity.
Work Cited:
Berger, John. Way of Seeing. London: British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books. 1972.
"Beyoncé (Ft. Slim Thug) – Check on It." Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Bl968. "Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video." YouTube. YouTube, 25 Feb. 2008. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
"Could 'Twerking' Possibly Be a New Way to Stay Fit?" Frugivore Magazine RSS. N.p., 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
MailOnline, Annabel Fenwick Elliott for. "'Children Are Too Sexualised': Myleene Klass Reveals Why She Won't Let Her Young Daughters Watch Pop Videos... but Admits THAT White Bikini Saved Her Career." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 28 Aug. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Production, A. Media Education Foundation. Dreamworlds 3 (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
"Week 7- Dreamworld 3." Double Vision. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
"Why The Backlash Against The DC Twerk Victim Reflects An Over Sexualized Society | XoNECOLE." XoNECOLE RSS. N.p., 19 Nov. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Berger, John. Way of Seeing. London: British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books. 1972.
"Beyoncé (Ft. Slim Thug) – Check on It." Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Bl968. "Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video." YouTube. YouTube, 25 Feb. 2008. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
"Could 'Twerking' Possibly Be a New Way to Stay Fit?" Frugivore Magazine RSS. N.p., 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
MailOnline, Annabel Fenwick Elliott for. "'Children Are Too Sexualised': Myleene Klass Reveals Why She Won't Let Her Young Daughters Watch Pop Videos... but Admits THAT White Bikini Saved Her Career." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 28 Aug. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Production, A. Media Education Foundation. Dreamworlds 3 (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
"Week 7- Dreamworld 3." Double Vision. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
"Why The Backlash Against The DC Twerk Victim Reflects An Over Sexualized Society | XoNECOLE." XoNECOLE RSS. N.p., 19 Nov. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Semester Project
My semester project is a collage of advertisements and photographs taken by feminist photographer Ellen von Unwerth. I chose the format of a collage in black and white to avoid any distinction between the two as there are parallels between both. Although upheld as a feminist photographer, a lot of von Unwerth's photographs could be deemed as perpetuating the male gaze. My projects heightens on von Unwerth's notion of "erotic femininity" while I pose the question of whether art is feminist based on content or intention. I created a tumblr to publish my collage and analyze a few photographs. Some photographs are accompanied by quotes from Jean Kilbourne's Killing Us Softly and Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth.
1. Kilbourne, Jean. (1999). Killing Us Softly. United States, Cambridge Documentary Films.
2. Sischy, Ingrid. (2011). Ellen von Unwerth: Fraulein. Taschen America, LLC.
3. Von Unwerth, Ellen, & Sischy, Ingrid. (1994). Snaps: Ellen von Unwerth. Twin Palms Publisher.
4. Wolf, Naomi. (2002). The Beauty Myth. Reprint. Harper Collins.
Semester Project
For my final semester project I wrote an essay focusing on how religion and gender inequality has contributed to the patriarchal society and devaluing female artists. My project is directed towards my generation, and people that are willing to listen and create change in the world for future generations. I focus on how religion played an influence on the court trial Artemesia Gentileschi's was part of because she was raped. I discussed why being raped was not enough of a reason to press charges on Agostino Tassi. I also talk about how Margaret Keane allowed her husband to take credit for her paintings for years, because he convinced her that her value as a female artist was nothing. I talk about how Egyptian-American journalist, Mona Eltahawy wrote a book about how the middle east needs a sexual revolution because even though she was covered from head to toe in Saudi Arabia, she was groped by a stranger. She proves that women are sexually harassed and are not asking for it by wearing less clothes. I talk extensively about religion and gender inequality being a result of patriarchal behavior that still continues to this day. I discussed how women did not decide upon abortion laws but that it was male judges, that used their personal views that decided if it would be legal or not for a teen to abort their child. The judges used their personal views, most concerning religion to deny minors to abort their child. Going back to how the men judged if it was okay for Judy Chicago's Dinner Party to be displayed in the art gallery or not. I also talk about how sexualized nudity has become that even when you type in the word nude into google, most of the images that appear are of females.Constantly, women are reminded of the restrictions of how to dress, how to look, what jobs they can pursue, and how they should speak. I hope my essay addresses and brings to light the complexity and double standards that we hold in our society.
Here is a link to my essay:
Landman, Christina. "Traumatised Between Culture And Religion: Women's Stories." Hts 68.2 (2012): ATLA Religion Database. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
Midgley, Clare. "Liberal Religion And The 'Woman Question' Between East And West: Perspectives From A Nineteenth-Century Bengali Women's Journal." Gender & History 25.3 (2013): 445-460. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
"Mona Eltahawy and Sexual Revolution in the Middle East." OpenDemocracy. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
Redden, Molly. "This Is How Judges Humiliate Pregnant Teens Who Want Abortions".Mother Jones. N.p., 2016. Web. 19 Apr. 2016
Ruotsila, Markku. "Carl Mcintire And The Fundamentalist Origins Of The Christian Right." Church History 81.2 (2012): 378-407. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Apr. 2016.
Scheible, Jana A., and Fenella Fleischmann. "Gendering Islamic Religiosity In The Second Generation: Gender Differences In Religious Practices And The Association With Gender Ideology Among Moroccan- And Turkish-Belgian Muslims." Gender & Society 27.3 (2013): 372-395. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 18 Apr. 2016..
Stewart, Sara. "Why the Real-life 'Big Eyes' Painter Let Her Husband Steal Her Work." New York Post. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
Wiranto, Retnowati1. "From Gender Differences And Injustice To Gender Equality And Justice (Gender In Christian Perspective)." Journal Of Alternative Perspectives In The Social Sciences 5.2 (2013): 353-365. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 16 Apr. 2016.
Semester Project
For my semester project i created a Facebook page that is titled "Women Who Tattoo". It is a page i created that only displays female tattoo artists from any generation. From the first lady tattooer up until some that still work today. On this page you can learn all about women artists in the tattoo industry through research i have done on these women. We've got some women such as Maud Wagner, Kat Von D, and Auburon Wolf who are an inspiration for all women. Through research from the web, this Facebook page includes videos, photos, and news articles only of female tattoo artists and their accomplishments. This page is to highlight these women without the involvement with men in any way. A page where women are the ones recognized for their own achievements. Just as we've learned in class, art has always been a male dominated society and that goes the same for the tattoo world even today. Click the link to find information about women tattoo artists all at one place, no need to search tons of different websites to find out about some successful women. Some of the women on this page you may or may not have heard about and that is the significance of it. Its to highlight the female artists we do know about yet also introducing the world to some that we don't.
Links to sources:
![]() |
Auberon Wolf |
The Male Gaze in Media and Paintings
For my final project I created an essay which emphasizes on the idea of The Male Gaze in Media and Paintings. I focus on Mary Cassatt Paintings Woman in Black at the Opera and Woman with a Pear Necklace in a Logue, 1879, and also Elisabetta Siriani painting Portia Wounding Her Thigh. The paintings are very interesting and they clearly depict the concept of the male gaze. Jennifer Pozner article,“ Dove’s Real Beauty’ Backlash” depicts how power men in the media control what ads they should put on display. She illustrates how women are objectified and shamed because of their bodies. Lastly, the Youtube video Hot girl guiness beer ad shows how women are not taken seriously and that men regard them as sexual objects. The ultimate goal of this project is for people be aware how prevalent the male gaze is in our society and to question what they see on media.
Works Cited
John. Ways of Seeing. 1973. Penguins Books.
Whitney. Art, Women and Society. 2012. 4th ed. New York, NY:
Thames and
Jennifer L,“ Dove’s Real Beauty’ Backlash”. Bitch. Feminist Response to Top
video, Hot girl guiness beer ad
Sirani Biography
Cassatt Biography
Cassatt: Constructing Modern Woman in Female Space Project: Ashley Alvarez
Embracing Feminist Artists
For my semester project I created a short video and tumblr page that embraces resilient feminist artists. This will be my final semester at Rutgers University and as a student minoring in Women's and Gender Studies, I wanted to create something that will recognize strong female artists that want to change the world through their art. In the short video, I included artists, musicians, poets, and photographers. Artists include Chamamanda Ngozi Adichie, Beyoncé, Rupi Kaur, and Mickalene Thomas, Lorna Simpson, and Queen Latifah. I wanted to embrace all forms of art and connect it to the artist's purpose to expand people's thought beyond the patriarchal view of the world. This project also reflects back to the first question asked on the first day of class, "Can you name 5 female artists?" Before studying feminist history, I could only hardly name a few influential female figures while there sits a long timeline of women fighting for equal rights. The feminist movement is often overlooked and I hope this video teaches people about feminism and the continue fight for women's and gender equality.
-Because the video is too large the video could not be uploaded to the blog. You can review it on tumblr or venmo (
-Because the video is too large the video could not be uploaded to the blog. You can review it on tumblr or venmo (
I also created a tumblr page to recognize other female artists not mentioned in the video. I joined a small online community who shared the same interests in sharing female talent and educating people on the feminist movement. Some artists posted on my tumblr page included Barbara Kruger, Lauryn Hill, Judy Chicago, Frida Kahlo, Malick Sidibé, Guerrilla Girls, Billie Holiday, and many more.
ARTINFO. "Mickalene Thomas Studio Visit." YouTube. YouTube, 27 Sept. 2012. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Kaur, Rupi. "Milk and Honey: Sitting down with Rupi Kaur." YouTube. YouTube, 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Kayrayco. "KES ~ Ft. Rupi Kaur." YouTube. YouTube, 03 July 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Knowles, Beyoncé. "Flawless Ft. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Nov. 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Knowles, Beyoncé. "Formation." YouTube. YouTube, 07 Feb. 2016. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Latifah, Queen. "U.N.I.T.Y." YouTube. YouTube, 07 Oct. 2009. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Simpson, Lorna. "Artist Talk: Lorna Simpson." YouTube. YouTube, 20 May 2010. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Simpson, Lorna. "Excerpts from Chess 2013 Installation." Vimeo. 2013. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Final Project
Curatorial Statement/Updated Project:
The purpose of this exhibition is to create a space where art can be used to talk about the female body. In countries like Cuba and Pakistan, expressing oneself through art, in a serious way, has been and continues to be difficult, especially in the case of women. Those that have been able to overcome the overwhelming obstacles, produce work that is exceptional. Artists like Ayqa Khan and Cirenaica Moreira push against the boundaries and create images that surpass their times. They use the “uncomfortable” parts of the female body as a means to produce change and awareness.
All of this is representative of the identity politics women face everyday. Through art each of these women have been able to express their surroundings as they see it. Ayqa creates prints of women who are not afraid of revealing their body hair. Her work acts as a tool for creating and encouraging body positivity. Cirenaica uses photography to create images representative of the wrongs objectification endorses. She notices the way women are treated, specifically in Cuba, and does the only the thing she can, photography. Her photography gave a voice to those who were not able to speak. It is because artist like this exist and because no one is talking about them that this exhibition was forged into reality.
On a side note, I would like to point out that it was very difficult to find a lot of these paintings. Let alone finding information on some of these artists; there were times the only information available was one sentence, which is all the more reason to include them into the exhibition.
On a side note, I would like to point out that it was very difficult to find a lot of these paintings. Let alone finding information on some of these artists; there were times the only information available was one sentence, which is all the more reason to include them into the exhibition.
"Art/ArtH 475: Contemporary Women Artists." ArtArtH 475 Contemporary Women Artists. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
Ayqaart. "Ayqaart." Ayqa. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Cirenaica Moreira - Represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects." Cirenaica Moreira - Represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"A Cultural Journal." Art Exhibitions at Satrang Gallery and Gallery 6, Islamabad. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Hamida Khatri | Artist." Hamida Khatri | Artist. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"It will be ancient." IT WILL BE ANCIENT. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Jura." Jura. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Marta Maria Perez Bravo | PDNB GALLERY." Marta Maria Perez Bravo | PDNB GALLERY. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Marta Maria Perez Bravo Homepage - Represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects." Marta Maria Perez Bravo Homepage - Represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Nuestro Deber." Nuestro Deber. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"On Giving Life, 1975." Alison Jacques Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Perfidia." Perfidia. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Protección." Protección. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Resurrección." Resurrección. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Saba Taj." Saba Taj. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Sausan Saulat - An Unquiet Mind II." Sausan Saulat - An Unquiet Mind II. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Tania Bruguera | Untitled (Havana, 2000)." Tania Bruguera | Untitled (Havana, 2000). N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Yo Te Di Poder." Yo Te Di Poder. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
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