Male gaze was first introduced by a woman called Laura Mulvey. Upon life to show how women can be showing as an object for men. Showing how a naked women will be looked at by men if she wear a particular outfit. It’s using women as a selling system by making them wear outfits that will have men look at them in a different way from pervious looks. John Berger describes male gaze as a sexual sense for women and down grading them by if they do not wear this particular dress or shirt they will not be looked at by men. His issue was that women are being used as a sexual scene and men will not look at them if they weren't showing their skin. In today’s society women can be looked at in many ways as if why she showing her skin? Is she applying something? It a sad idea to know thats exactly how men and maybe other women too as if why is she showing her skin. This idea has effected society in a way that brought women to think twice what they want to wear and that is not the right idea of being free and wanting to do what ever desires you. Another way if a women is breast feeding their own child as to why people point fingers and ask why? They shouldn't ask why because they are meant for that? The idea grows everyday as why men and women point fingers to always being sexual as if a woman wear a particular outfit and shows skin or breast feed their own child.
Patriarchy says the men have all the power and its how they must be stronger and more developed than a women, is that true? Bell books describes it as an enemy by showing how the man can be so tough and strong and making the woman week and some what lonely. It went on and described how when she was a little girl and wanted to play with her brother, but he dad didn't let her because it wasn't meant for girls and she is not allowed to be involved with guy’s toys. She said when her dad told her to stop playing with her brother he got loud and started to beat her because she wouldn't listen to him and then her mom went on and told her that she had warned her and that she needs to accept the fact that she’s just a little girl and can’t do what boys do (20-21). Why her father treated her bad and beat her up? Did he think she was headed in the wrong direction, or he wanted to act as a girl? That answer is still left unanswered because there’s no answer that can solve how men look at girls. Does that mean that patriarchy can be true and not anybody as lead the way to end the crisis of sexism. She mentioned how they end the patriarchy we must challenge both the psychological and its concrete manifestations in daily life. She went on and said that men are the enemy by misperception the implications of the psychological patriarchy (33).
How as society we came to the conclusion that we think this deep and this sunfish of a man can do everything and they are strong and women are just there because thats what they weren't to do. Thats oblivion and it cannot be true because as much as man needed for society women needed to for everyday life. Through art it has been difficult to see women that are naked and painted because it shows them as being lower than man and if they weren't naked men wouldn't look at them. Women should always be looked at by men because they are needed in our everyday life. Women have been looked at just when they are showing skin and that is till happening till today and that something that is need to change.“male-gaze”/
Male Gaze & Patriarchy