Sunday, January 31, 2016

Vanessa Spadotto

Martha Rosler
Martha Rosler is an american artist from Brooklyn, New York born on July 29, 1943. She is widely known for capturing the lives of women as portrayed by media in comparison to wars being fought abroad. She uses many different mediums, however she is known for her many photo-collages, many of which have even been displayed in the Museum of Modern Art. Not only is she known for photo-collages but she also has many video artworks which she has collaborated with many other people including some homeless people. Rosler has spoken and taught in schools, she even taught at Rutgers University for thirty years. Rosler's most controversial topics included her artwork "Body Beautiful" which became the cover for Wack! art magazine in which she collages photographs of women found in Playboy magazine. Many criticized her artwork in Wack! magazine for going against the magazines feminist ideals. However, Rosler's use of collage distracts the male gaze and shifts the attention from submissive women to a "wave of naked female defiance."

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