Monday, April 18, 2016

Joshua Martinez-Final Project

For my final semester project I have created a blog on Tumblr dedicated to the concept of The Male Gaze and the connection it has with what woman struggle with in today's society. Male Gaze is often described as a sense of authority or power of a women with them being the surveyed and us being the observers. In my opinion, it is much more deeper than that. It is also the first judgement and assumption we as men process when we lay eyes on a female subject. I have written a poem titled "Truth Behind the Gaze" in which I speak as both a tattoo artist and the surveyed. The concept behind the tattoos is to hide the battle scars and bruises the woman suffered by concealing them with beauty. The purpose of this poem is to make it clear that the first assumption we make or the first instance we lay eyes on a woman, whatever we theorize is not true. Moral of the poem is that we as men are too busy judging and critiquing women whether it may be social media or some sort of visual art but we do not know the true story and the pain woman suffer on a daily basis. 

Below is a Stanza from my poem-

"They said tomorrow is a new day so stay pretty in ink….
The mission is complete but still she remains defeated and dazed,
Just another creation for the naked eye to gaze,
A gal with tattoos huh?
Must be one of those girls that finds peace in rock,
Maybe she guzzles brew down to the bottom,
But No….just a tapestry designed to conceal the aftermath of hitting rock bottom" 

Link to blog:

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